Univ. Bremen
Dr.-Ing. Carsten Bockelmann
Communication Technologies for Space
(S3, elective, 6 ECTS)
Learning Outcomes:As outcome, the students should be able to:
– explain basic communications concepts and theoretical
– apply mathematical tools and concepts relevant in
– explain and apply analog and digital modulation.
Knowledge and Understanding:

Applying Knowledge and Understanding:
PrerequisitesElectrical Engineering
Program– Introduction to communications: history of wireless communication and space communication
– Basic concepts and terminology in communications
– Recap of Fourier transformation
– Introduction to system theory (signals, linear time invariant
systems, convolution, statistic process, etc.)
– Passband-Baseband transformation and receiver concepts
– Wireless channel basics (linear and non-linear distortions, noise, Nyquist, etc.)
– Analog modulation
– Basics in sampling theory and discrete systems and signals
– Digital modulation
Description of how the course is conducted– Contact hours (lecture + exercise): 56 h (4 h x 14 weeks)
– Preparation, learning, exercises: 56 h (4 h x 14 weeks)
– Preparation for exam: 68 h
Total working hours: 180 h
Description of the didactic methods
Description of the evaluation methodsOral exam
Adopted TextbooksWill be announced in the respective course.
Recommended readings